Local Solutions,
Inspiring Global Change

Celebrate bold local and regional initiatives with us! 

ICLEI Europe and partners proudly present the Local Sustainability Award. The award is all about recognising cities, towns and regions across Europe that are taking innovative steps to build more sustainable places and create a better future for their communities. Applications are open until 30 April.  

Why apply? 

  • Raise your town, city or region's profile and put your most ambitious projects and ideas on the map. 

  • Build new relationships and partnerships to boost the transition. 

  • Benefit from expert advice and support of award partners.


Finalists of the first edition of this award will be invited to a ceremony hosted as part of ICLEI Europe's European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO 2025) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands from 25-27 June 2025. 


About the Award

Local governments are at the forefront of a just and sustainable transition. We believe that Shared Governance, Integrated Finance and a Cohesive Transition are key conditions and principles for achieving a truly holistic transition and a climate-neutral, competitive Europe. These principles were outlined by local governments in the Aalborg Conditions calling on national and EU partners to - together - create the right enabling conditions for local and regional governments to boost the transition. If you found new ways of working together across levels of governments and with different actors to come closer to one or all three of those conditions, submit your action, and help us showcase how local actions are truly making a difference!


Are you breaking down barriers between levels of government and jurisdictions, sharing responsibilities and forming closer partnerships towards joint objectives? Share your projects following new approaches with us!


Did you develop new, goal oriented financing models? Have you effectively blended different funding sources or models allowing you to develop and implement more holistic, long-term activities? Share your financing solutions with us!


Did you find effective ways and powerful narratives for engaging and empowering different societal groups to take charge of their transition? Tell us how you enable a cohesive and just transition in and with communities in your city, town or region!

The ceremony

The Award ceremony with winners and runner-ups will take place at the prestigious European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) taking place from 25-27th June 2025 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. EURESFO is an annual platform that brings together city representatives, experts, and stakeholders to discuss strategies for adapting to climate change, managing disasters, and building urban resilience. Organised by ICLEI Europe and the European Environment Agency (EEA) since 2013, EURESFO fosters open and interactive exchanges on pressing urban resilience challenges. 

EURESFO Conference logo

Meet our Jury & Partners

ICLEI Europe

ICLEI Europe is the European Secretariat of ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. ICLEI Europe supports local governments to build more sustainable, resilient and equitable communities. With the Local Sustainability Award ICLEI Europe aims to recognise, celebrate and support towns, cities and regions demonstrating outstanding contributions and commitment to excellence and leadership in sustainability in line with the Aalborg Conditions.


Through its projects, studies, and events, the Bertelsmann Stiftung stimulates debates and provides impetus for societal change. The common good and sustainability are the fundamental principles of its activities. With its Center for Sustainable Municipalities, the Bertelsmann Stiftung supports local actors in developing municipal sustainability management. On the SDG Portal (sdg-portal.de), it provides sustainability indicators for municipalities and as partner of the German Sustainability Award for Cities and Municipalities, the foundation supported local sustainability transformation in Germany for several years.


The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is the European Union's assembly of local and regional representatives that provides sub-national authorities with a direct voice within the EU's institutional framework. The CoR provides direct input to all EU legislative initiatives with local and regional impact, including on topics such as climate change, energy, biodiversity, circular economy and zero pollution, playing an important advisory role in the EU legislative and political process.


The City of Aalborg, Denmark is a longstanding frontrunner city when it comes to driving local sustainability initiatives. In 1994, Aalborg hosted the very first European Sustainable Cities and Towns Conferences leading to the groundbreaking Aalborg Charter, which was followed 30 years later by the 2024 Aalborg Conditions, underlining the city's legacy and ambition of inspiring positive impact, lasting change and innovation across Europe. The Mayor of Aalborg is part of ICLEI Europe's regional executive steering committee.

EIB Logo

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the lending arm of the European Union. The EIB is one of the biggest multilateral financial institutions in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance. The EIB supports projects that make life in urban areas more sustainable. In 2024, the EIB provided €17.2 billion in support of sustainable cities and regions.

Frequently asked questions

Any local or regional government and its administrations and associated agencies in Europe, the Middle East and West Asia is eligible to apply for the award on behalf of itself or a group of project partners (e.g. including citizen organisations etc). This includes but is not limited to local governments located in Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, EU candidate or accession country. A local association, organisation, NGO or organised group of citizens who have been working with their local government or related agencies to bring about and implement a project in line with the previously laid out focus can also submit the application on behalf of its group of partners, as long as a local government agency is an official application partner. 

We are open to all those organisations, institutions or administrations that share our vision and passion and have a track record in supporting a fair and sustainable transition. If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact: award-europe [at] iclei [dot] org

The jury is forming its conclusion in several steps. First screenings of all eligible applications are conducted by jury members individually and evaluated according to a joint evaluation scale. Jury members meet in a second step to debate individual first screening results, resulting in a joint jury evaluation. 

You can always support us by spreading the word about the award and its winning projects among your networks. If you are interested in partnering with the Award, please contact: award-europe [at] iclei [dot] org

Download the award application guide to have an overview over all the information that is requested in the application form. Note that once your proceed to the application form, you can save your progress at any time and finish it at a later date. Should you still have questions, please contact us directly.

Yes, winners will receive an award trophy and benefit from promotional activities conducted by award partners in the media throughout the year. In addition, award partners will provide support and capacity building to winners on an interest and needs basis to take their projects to the next level. The full list of benefits will be unveiled shortly. 

Yes, award finalists will be invited to attend the award ceremony at the prestigious European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands taking place from 25-27th June 2025. 

The data submitted through the award application form will be accessible to all jury members, as well as to award supporting staff at ICLEI and award partner organisations. The award applications are not shared outside of the group of award partners and jury members. All personal information is treated confidentially. Please see the award application form for further information.  

Our Partners

ICLEI Europe
EIB Logo